Tuesday, July 21, 2009

~day,day n day...

:: today 21/7/09...nothing interesting act..juz having some tiring period of time going back to classes as part of a students requirement n obligation..
but today is our lucky day act coz most of the class were cancelled becoz of some prob..
that evening we went to carrefour wangsa maju to buy some stuff,then we went for dinner as nisah wants to break her fast..so,we chose pizza hut as our delight..

erm,juz to share some sweet moment with u all..
act,weekend bru ni sy g men bowling ngn ima..esk plak men bowling ngn kwn2...nk tau sape mnang??
of coz la sy yg mnang..hihi..ni la bkti nye klu korg xcye..hehe
jgn slh phm..bkn nk mnunjuk but juz to keep it as my sweetest moment dpt strike..hehe..
not bad la kn?

xsgka plak byk leh strike..hihi..
nsib je tu act..hee
jgn mrh ek..spe2 xpuas ati..jom r kte challenge..
grau jer..
sowi la for the late update ..
lately ni lots of work n assignment to be accomplish..
sem ni nk dpt pointer tggi skit..so kne struggle a bit r..
bkn a bit je..kne struggle a lot la..hee..
ok la tu..
myb pasni lmbt plak la sy update blog nie..
arap phm k my frenz..
bwat my luvy fmly..
~kakak windu kt korang sume..huhu
i wanna go home!
x aci pah n adah dpt tdung..
kkak nk jgk..xkre kne tntut gak nbie..hihi..
k la,ad skit g keje nk siapkn..
so,c yaa..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

:: 16/07/09..the time was 12.33...n utk kesekian kalinye lg,i've got the chance to scribble sumthing here tonite..
i dun wanna write too much coz it would make my fingers become tiring of coz..hehe..
(joking jer..)
so,tonite nk story r skit psl ap ktorg wt arini..haaa...guess wat??this evening we went for a movie...nk tau cte ape?asalnye nk tgk harry potter tman si huda,tp tket plak pnuh..so tgk la cte ice age 3d..beshhh wooo..
mmg klaka gler cite die..happening r jgk wlpn mata mse tu hnye tuhan je tau btape ngntuk nye diri ini..huhu..tp berbaloi r dpt tgk..
kurg r skit rse stress n bosan yg melanda kini..ngeh2..
arini pn xkurg hbatnye..dpt keje dr sir kadhum kte ha..kne anta slase ni..mjur sok xde kls..
ad gak mse nk siap..
nt jpa msuk nk kne bli bju kt adk2..abeh duit ag..huhu..sorg2 nk bju yg demand2..botak la ak pasni..hehe..
so firah,mtk la bju yg murah2 skit yee...haha..
(jgn mrh pah,nt cpt tue..)

okla..so soon..we meet again..
bubye my cute sis ....
n also my fellow frenz..
so long!daaa...~~~
::ni la muke2 bosan ble msuk kls..haha..(nisah,huda,su..)

:: ni plak muke kteorg yg tgh thn mata mgntukk..huhu..(ima n sara..)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

:: 14/7/09...jgn slh sgka..bkn sy lupe or slap trikh..tp ni la yg sbnrnye terjadi..sbnrnye sy tpkse post coretanku ini pd arini di lab wktu sbjek artificial intelligence d sbbkn wireless di blikku msh tak dpt dsmbungkn lg...eiii gram nye..ble la nk dpt wireless ni..da reg pown lmbt ag...huhu...so,hrp maaf ye sume kwn2 ku..anyway..utk menjimatkn mse coz da ngntuk nie..huuu...ingin la ku lakarkan sbuah gmbran ttg pkra yg blaku pd arini..arini pn xkurg cam smlm...haaa...teke la ap!???hihi..actually,today i've got class laa..apa daaa....2 pn xtau..hehe..but today's class was a bit pack than yesterday bcoz altogether there was 3 class with the killer subject!!!!(oh no!)...erm...after class,straight away i head to the ITD dept to update my wireless connection...but until now! theres nothing change..huhu..its ok..juz wait for another 2 or 3 days...but the tiring thing is that i've to wait an hour to take my turn...woo so many people la there..dunno why...settle evrything there,its time for me to go for swimming!!!!my favourite hobby eva!..hehe...i went swimming with jue n niesah n we really did swim a lot..very fatigue but in the same time,we felt really satisfied coz we can occupied the pool..heheafter magrb,we head to dinner...tonight we had our dinner at planet holywood..hehe..juz kidding..planet tomyam la..beshhh mkn kt ctuh..xcaye tnye firah..die da g mkn kt situ b4..kn pah kn???hehe..mkn udang goreng tepung yg sgt enakkk hngge mnjilat ibu jari kaki..heeee(^_^)ble da knyg..mata pn jd kuyu..so kne tdo awl coz sok kls kul 8.30..kang x trjge plak susa sy..hihi...oo wait,one more thing...my roomate dr turkish da msuk blik td...she's friendly though..nice meeting her..well,dats enough i guessed..if u want more,u can make up ur own story 4 me k,i dont want to bubbling here so much..haha..orait then..nk tidow da,katil da pnggil,bobom ksygn pown da mtk dibelai da..hehe..jgn mare yep..nanyte guys!!!sweedream~~~daaaa.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

~new day,new life.....~

:: 13/07/09....termaktub la dlm kamus idupku di mana pd hri ini..merupakan ari pertama,sem ke 4 sy di uia....pejam celik..da msuk sem 4 da rupenye..kjap je mse blalu..lg sthun,bermula lah stu lg khidupan baru dlm bidang kerjaya buatku...
anyway..juz to share some of my sweet n bad(not act that bad though..hehe)memories during this past two days..
yesterday was the first day to register at my mahalah...u noe wat is mahalah??mahalah 2 cam kolej asrama laa lam bhse melayu..dlm arab pggl mahalah..besela..nme pown uia..huhu..
after complete the check in and pack all the stuff...i noticed that my compartment mate was a turkish lady...adoi!pasnih speaking r plak aku..hahahaha...but that's not really the prob..the main point is that,according to wat my rumate said,that turkish lady is a bit fussy….i don’t noe how she is..but agak cuak r coz b4 this..xpnh duk ngn foreigner ag..ni la first time..n sblm2 ni pown xbpe rpt ngn foreigner..so,phm2 jela yer…
Well,that’s the bad memories…the sweet one is when I get to see my bestest fren ever…ima,su,niesah n huda..they are my greatest fren in da world….im so happy got to get together again…this morning,my class was at 8.30am…but we’re a bit late coz waiting for huda..she needs 100years to prepared herself especially her tdung…so fussy as well..hehe..(p/s:jgn mrh yer huda…)then…there goes our first lecturer….as usual…ble time class jer trus rse sleepy..normal r tuh…hehe..
Class stop at ten n start another clas at 3.30…fortunately!lecturer plak xde…so,dgn rasminye..terbatal la kls pd ptg td..hooray!!!!heeeee
Dat evening plak,tman si huda g bkak pose kt restoran jombali kat wangsa maju….da abeh mkn tu ternmpk la plak bju2 yg cntik..stop by jap n bli la sehelai..hehe…
Dlm kul 9.30 bru blik..penat woo drive..da la kls pg..huhu..but very exciting moment coz we’re all together…
Last but not least….and now…I was surfing the free wireless service at ima’s room…bilikku xdpt connection r..huhu..so,menumpang la blik ima jap…
Nmpknye ima tgh syok khusyuk melayan movie…xley jd nie,nk kne join sekaki..hehe..
Tnggu ima!daku dtg…heeee
Well,dats all asenye for now..sowi r…time is not enough for me to catch up everything..dpt coret sumthing kt blog ni skit smggu skali pown kre jadik r….
Oraits..gotta go now..there’s a couple of task for me to be done now..(awl2 ag da dpt keje..kcau daun tol la..huhu)
Cau cincau!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

:: hmmm...how am i going 2 decribe bout today's actvty....where should i start?erm...as usual la...bgn tdo..haa,but today 4 a suprised,sy bgn awl arini...hehe..
xde r tlalu awl..lam 6.45 cmtu r..
pastuh follow my parent g psr...alang2 tu g cri bju bundle skali..dpt r bli jeans n t-shirt spasang..nk wat gane,mmg mnat..heeee
after dat,blk umah lam 8.30,bersihkan dri trus kne masak lunch al-maklumlah sume ade kt umah..kne r masak awl..
da siap msk,kms r blik skit,g jemur bju,lipat bju...aduhhh mmg pnt tugas hrian..tp apakan daye..
daku ank dara sulung...so,tnjuk la kerajinan skit..hihi..
erm,ptg tu bru la sy leh lelapkn mate skjp..kejap pn jd r..
mlm plak,kne blnje adk2 kfc..si firah tringin sgtttt...ngidam la plak...
tpkse la kuakn duit lbey...huhu...
rse cm xnk je ade ari esk...xde smgt da nk blik uia..huhu..
maya plak ad ckp "nt lpas kkak blik u,kkak blik umah pulak kn?mnt mia rndu kkak r"...aduhhh...punyela dorang xkasi blik...sy apelagi...lg la rse down trus..huhu
xpela..kne kuatkn smgt jgk...blaja utk berjaya...2 la azam sy..
hope to success alwayz..

k la..tdow dlu...nyte2

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

:: sedih..tulah ungkapan utk arini yg xkurangnye cam smlm.smlm sdey cz result..
arini sdey cz roomate plak..
ase xde mood da nk blaja...da mls da..
dala ngn roomate dulu pn ad prob...dgn yg trbaru plak kes lain..
aduhhh...mcm2 jnis manusie dlm dunie ni...
xpe2...Allah akn mkbulkn doa org yg teraniaya...
hnye mmpu berdoa kt tuhan je skg...
xperlu bersedih bcoz He will always be with me..huhu
for now,juz prlukan org yg leh sy luahkan pe yg sy rse..mmg teramat sdey.
nk nangis je rse...
i cant bcoz im the little princess
my mum used to say to me when i was young dat little princess should not cry n be sad bcoz one day a fairy will coe n be with me..
i must be strong!!yup...dat is it...i cannot easily give up!
biarkn org yg kjam dpt blsn mereka..
yg pntg..life must go on!
la tahzan...

sedey nyer.....~

:: sdih,sad,dissapointed,tension,stress mixed up in my mind...dun really no why...huhu..
actually my result for the last short semester has came out already...the result was no thatt bad..ive got about 3.67...
but the sad thing is that my cgpa isnt increased a lot...n im so stressed out..help me!!!!!
well...dat will never make me lose the strength to be more hardworking...i have to be thankful n never blame on what has been fated for me..huhu
im so worried about my sponsorship...arap2 jpa akn terus bg elaunku as if my result is still in the area of its conditions..hihi..
anyway..i think dats all..
dun wanna mumbling so much..
gotta work to do..
see u all soon...wasalam... :-)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


what is the meaning of friendship???and what is it for??is it necessary for us to have a friend?
well,sbnrnye persahabatan ni mmg pntg untuk kte mrapatkan sillaturrahim sesama manusie...
kita hidup ni mmg perlu ad kwn...dgn berkwn,kte leh kongsi sgala mslh...kte ble luahkan apa yg kte pendam selama ni..dgn itu,kte akan rase lbih tnang...sbb tulah ad pepatah mengatakan "berkawan biala seribu,bercinta biala satu"....faham kn pe mksud tu?klu x faham,buat2 ler faham erk..xreti gak nk terang cmne..hehe
tp kn..dalam hal ni..ada satu mnde yg buat sy musykil sgt....adela sorg bdk ni mg peramah n mesra tp dgn sy die wat sombong jer....xtau la pe kene ngn die..nk kta sy ni harimau yg mkn org,mmg jauh skali la..sy ni cume manusie bese je...sy pelik bin ajaib sungguh la..tp sy tau ati die baik..kan dik hanis kn???
hehe..jgn mrh ek pkcik..sy gurau jer..pasni jgn sombong2 da erk..
okla...so,dlm hal nk mencari kwn ni..pndai2 la kte menilai sndiri yg mane baik n yg mane x baik...
berkawan la dgn org y bleh bimbing kte ke jln kebenaran n yg bleh same2 bleh kte kongsi suke n duka..amacam??ok latu...sekian :-p

Sunday, July 5, 2009

let us begin here.....

salam ukhuwah pmbuka bcara,
buat shbt2 y di ingati semua......

pmbuka kata d atas sbg stu prmlaan utk membina kyakinan dan kekuatan dri spy te trus maju ke hdpn dan jgn sesekali kte undur ke blkg....

buat viewer mhupun follower y dirahmati sekalian..
inilah kali petama sy mewujudkan blog sndri setelah sekian lama sy mengimpikannya..tp apakn daya,masa amat mencemburui sy...
disebabkn kesibukan y melanda,sy pasrah untuk menangguhkan dulu apa y diimpikan..
Alhamdulillah....akhirnya,tercoret juga serba sedikit di ruangan sy yang blm disempurnakan sepenuhnye lg..

For my beloved fellow....
let me just jog down a lil smething about my true life as a princess....
first n foremost thankfully to Allah for all the best thing he created for us...
as time being...also for my beloved parents and sibling especially to my sis,firah for helping me a lot although sumtime we got quarrelled and argued to each other..but dats actually normal thing in a life of a family....
After all,to all my frenz who involved direct or indirectly towards my achivement...

Friday, July 3, 2009

words 4 lil princess...

:: Be urself beautiful...and u will find the world full of beauty...How great a woman is..life on the planet is born of woman...say no to free mingling..
remember..journey will end at the front,positive bout future n past..
:: Dont worry,we have Allah on our side..If Allah helps u,none can overcome u,n if he forsakes u,theres no others that could assist u...
::Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom..
:: True friends arehard to find,harder to leave n impossible to forget...

~ Love is patient..love is kind..it does not envy..it does not boast..it is not proud..it is not rude..not easily angered..it keeps no record of wrong..loves do not delight in evil but rejoices with truth..it alwaz protects,alwaz trusts,alwaz hopes,alwaz preserves..love never fails...~

its me....

its me....