Tuesday, July 14, 2009
:: 14/7/09...jgn slh sgka..bkn sy lupe or slap trikh..tp ni la yg sbnrnye terjadi..sbnrnye sy tpkse post coretanku ini pd arini di lab wktu sbjek artificial intelligence d sbbkn wireless di blikku msh tak dpt dsmbungkn lg...eiii gram nye..ble la nk dpt wireless ni..da reg pown lmbt ag...huhu...so,hrp maaf ye sume kwn2 ku..anyway..utk menjimatkn mse coz da ngntuk nie..huuu...ingin la ku lakarkan sbuah gmbran ttg pkra yg blaku pd arini..arini pn xkurg cam smlm...haaa...teke la ap!???hihi..actually,today i've got class laa..apa daaa....2 pn xtau..hehe..but today's class was a bit pack than yesterday bcoz altogether there was 3 class with the killer subject!!!!(oh no!)...erm...after class,straight away i head to the ITD dept to update my wireless connection...but until now! theres nothing change..huhu..its ok..juz wait for another 2 or 3 days...but the tiring thing is that i've to wait an hour to take my turn...woo so many people la there..dunno why...settle evrything there,its time for me to go for swimming!!!!my favourite hobby eva!..hehe...i went swimming with jue n niesah n we really did swim a lot..very fatigue but in the same time,we felt really satisfied coz we can occupied the pool..heheafter magrb,we head to dinner...tonight we had our dinner at planet holywood..hehe..juz kidding..planet tomyam la..beshhh mkn kt ctuh..xcaye tnye firah..die da g mkn kt situ b4..kn pah kn???hehe..mkn udang goreng tepung yg sgt enakkk hngge mnjilat ibu jari kaki..heeee(^_^)ble da knyg..mata pn jd kuyu..so kne tdo awl coz sok kls kul 8.30..kang x trjge plak susa sy..hihi...oo wait,one more thing...my roomate dr turkish da msuk blik td...she's friendly though..nice meeting her..well,dats enough i guessed..if u want more,u can make up ur own story 4 me k,i dont want to bubbling here so much..haha..orait then..nk tidow da,katil da pnggil,bobom ksygn pown da mtk dibelai da..hehe..jgn mare yep..nanyte guys!!!sweedream~~~daaaa.....
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its me....

yup!betol turh.. mmg best gler r mkn kt situ,hehe..
ReplyDeletetapi yg xsedapnya cz duitku jugak yg kne kluar,haha...asal yg tu x cter pun?hehe..
best ke dpt roomate foreigners??hmm