anyway..juz to share some of my sweet n bad(not act that bad though..hehe)memories during this past two days..
yesterday was the first day to register at my mahalah...u noe wat is mahalah??mahalah 2 cam kolej asrama laa lam bhse melayu..dlm arab pggl mahalah..besela..nme pown uia..huhu..
after complete the check in and pack all the stuff...i noticed that my compartment mate was a turkish lady...adoi!pasnih speaking r plak aku..hahahaha...but that's not really the prob..the main point is that,according to wat my rumate said,that turkish lady is a bit fussy….i don’t noe how she is..but agak cuak r coz b4 this..xpnh duk ngn foreigner la first time..n sblm2 ni pown xbpe rpt ngn,phm2 jela yer…
Well,that’s the bad memories…the sweet one is when I get to see my bestest fren ever…ima,su,niesah n huda..they are my greatest fren in da world….im so happy got to get together again…

Class stop at ten n start another clas at 3.30…fortunately!lecturer plak xde…so,dgn rasminye..terbatal la kls pd ptg td..hooray!!!!heeeee
Dat evening plak,tman si huda g bkak pose kt restoran jombali kat wangsa maju….da abeh mkn tu ternmpk la plak bju2 yg cntik..stop by jap n bli la sehelai..hehe…
Dlm kul 9.30 bru blik..penat woo drive..da la kls pg..huhu..but very exciting moment coz we’re all together…
Last but not least….and now…I was surfing the free wireless service at ima’s room…bilikku xdpt connection,menumpang la blik ima jap…
Nmpknye ima tgh syok khusyuk melayan movie…xley jd nie,nk kne join sekaki..hehe..
Tnggu ima!daku dtg…heeee
Well,dats all asenye for now..sowi r…time is not enough for me to catch up everything..dpt coret sumthing kt blog ni skit smggu skali pown kre jadik r….
Oraits..gotta go now..there’s a couple of task for me to be done now..(awl2 ag da dpt keje..kcau daun tol la..huhu)
Cau cincau!!!!
new life?mndlm tol maksudny,,haha
ReplyDeletebeli baju???mn aci!! beli x kt ur cute sister nih(perasan)???kalau x beli,,xtaw r nk ckp pe..hehhe